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Debian 12 Available

نشرت في: 2024-03-08

Debian 12 is now available on VPS Hosting plans. You will be able to select it at the order stage or request a reinstall for your existing service. For Cloud VPS Plans, our Debian 12 work continues. Ubuntu 23 - Coming Soon CentOS 9 Stream - Coming Soon Windows 2022 - Coming Soon

credssp error solution

نشرت في: 2020-05-21

If you get CredSSP error when connecting to Windows virtual servers, please make the following settings on your computer. https://blog.hostigger.com/credssp-error-solution/

CentOS 8, Ubuntu 19, Ubuntu 20 and Windows Server 2019

نشرت في: 2020-04-25

Dear Customers, CentOS 8, Ubuntu 19, Ubuntu 20 and Windows Server 2019 operating systems have been added to our VMware virtual servers. However, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.04 operating systems have been removed.